
Experience the sync of your energy body frequencies to the movements of the planets through vibrational programming. Using Quantum Activation Therapy you can sync your energetic body to the natural resonant harmonics of the Earth. Emerging technology has allowed me to create a system through which I can tune your electro-magnetic frequencies to harmonize with the movements of the planets. 

The cosmic octave


"Octavus Sanctos Omnes Docet Esse Beatos"

"The octave teaches the saints bliss."

The Earth is a spinning vortex of energy. It rotates in three directions

  1. Once around its own axis, each day.
  2. Once around the sun, each year.
  3. Once in a slow circle around its axis, making a complete rotation every 25,000 years.

We can tune into these frequencies, riding on the slow wave of the kinetic energy that underlies the foundation of the Universe. These 3 rotations correspond to energy portals in the human body, also known as Chakras.

The Earth Day
The Earth rotates around it's own axis with a frequency of  0.0000116 Hz, or exactly 194.18 Hz if we octave it up into the range of human hearing. The movement of the earth around the sun is how we measure all time. It is the most powerful of the Cosmic Octave Tones, and it correlates to the root Chakra, the connection of our body to the earth.
The Earth Year
The Earth rotates around the Sun once a year. It is how we define the passage of time. The 25th octave of the Earth Year is 136.1 Hz, or 136.1 oscillations per second. It corresponds to the Heart Chakra, the center of Love.
The Long Count
Once every 25,000 years, the Earth rotates in a complete circle in relationship to the 12 constellations of the Zodiac, completing the Long Count and returning to where it began. This defines the Precession of the Equinox, and it determines the Age of our Consciousness. We are now living in the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, after the Age of Pisces. Tuning the mind to this cycle creates Wisdom and the understanding of the long millenium, and corresponds to the Crown Chakra, or Zahasara.